House is one of basic human needs, in addition to clothing, food and health. Therefore it must be healthy and comfortable home for residents to work to improve productivity.
Construction and home environments that do not meet health requirements is a risk factor of transmission source different types of diseases, particularly disease-based environment.
In general, healthy homes can be said if it meets the following criteria:
1. Meet the physiological needs such as lighting, penghawan and enough room to maneuver, to avoid disturbing noise.
2. Meet the psychological needs such as privacy are adequate, healthy communication between family members and residents.
3. Meet the requirements of preventing the spread of disease among residents of the house with the provision of clean water, management of excreta and household waste, free of disease vectors and rodents, residential density is not excessive, adequate sunlight in the morning, protecting them from contamination of food and beverages, as well as adequate lighting and penghawaan .
4. Meet the requirement of prevention of accidents, whether they arise because of circumstances outside or inside the house, among others, the position of boundary line roads, construction of which is not easily collapsed, non-flammable and does not tend to make the occupants fell slipped.
Residential Health Requirements are as follows:
1. Building Materials
a. Not made of materials that can release substances that can endanger the health, among others, as follows:
· Dust total of not more than 150 ug m3
Asbestos-free · not exceeding 0.5 fiber/m3/4jam
· Black tin not exceeding 300 mg / kg
b. Not made of materials that can be growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms.
2. Components and arrangement of space house
Components of the house must meet the physical and biological requirements as follows:
a. Floor waterproof and easily cleaned
b. Wall
• In the bedroom, living room equipped with means of ventilation for air circulation arrangements
• In the bathroom and washing facilities must be waterproof and easily cleaned
c. The ceiling should be easy to clean and not prone to accidents
d. House with a roof height of 10 meters or more must be equipped with lightning protection
e. Room in the house should be arranged to function as a living room, family room, dining room, bedroom, living room kitchen, shower room and kids playroom.
f. The kitchen must be equipped with smoke disposal facilities.
3. Exposure
Natural or artificial lighting directly or indirectly, to illuminate all parts of the room a minimum of 60 lux intensity and no blinding.
4. Air Quality
Air quality inside the home does not exceed the following requirements:
a. Comfortable air temperature ranges from l8 ° C to 30 ° C
b. Air humidity ranges from 40% to 70%
c. SO2 gas concentration does not exceed 0.10 hours ppm/24
d. Air exchange
e. CO gas concentration does not exceed 100 ppm/8jam
f. Formaldehide gas concentrations not exceeding 120 mg/m3
5. Ventilation
Area a1amiah penghawaan or permanent ventilation of at least 10% of floor area.
6. Transmitting animal diseases
No rats nest in the house.
7. Water
a. Available water capacity minmal 60 lt / day / person
b. Water quality must meet health requirements for clean water and drinking water in accordance with laws and regulations.
8. Tersediannya means of safe food storage and hygiene.
9. Waste
a. The liquid waste from the house, do not pollute water sources, not smelly and does not pollute the soil surface.
b. Solid waste must be managed so as not to cause the smell, do not cause pollution of surface soil and groundwater.
10. Bedroom dwelling density
Spacious bedroom at least 8m2 and is not recommended to use more than two people sleep in one bedroom, except for children under 5 years.
The problem of housing has been regulated in the Act administration of housing and residential No.4/l992 chapter III, article 5, paragraph l, which reads "Every citizen has the right to occupy and / or enjoy and / or have a decent home and a healthy environment, safe, harmonious, and orderly "
When examined further it is only logical whole society occupied the house a healthy and habitable. Houses are not enough to simply as a place to live and shelter from the hot weather and rain, the house must have a function as:
1. Preventing disease
2. Preventing accidents
3. Safe and comfortable for residents
4. Decrease in tensions and social life
Maybe some house plans below can help.
Houses 1 floor has several advantages. The cost is certainly cheaper than building 2 floors, because the cost of construction of the structure of the house a little more. In addition, the mobility of family members who are in one floor, will create intimacy. For parents, 1 floor home is the right choice, to avoid the difficulty up and down stairs.
And therefore the size of the map using the size of feet (foot). Just to help, I have to say the information length, and the area of the size of the meter. While the size of the space is still using the original size feet. If you want to convert it into the size of the meter, you can simply multiplying it by a factor of 0.3084. For example, 30 feets, = 30 × 0.30.84 = 9.14 m.
Here are some plans that I chose for you,
House Floor Area 113.7 m 2 (11 × 10m)
House Floor Area 130 m2 (15.2 × 8.5 m)
House Floor Area 140.5 m2 (16.5 × 8.5 m)
House Floor Area m2 +140.5 (16.5 × 8.5 m)
House Floor Area m2 +154.8 (15.1 × 10.2 m)
House Floor Area m2 +159.3 (14.9 × 10.7 m)
House Floor Area m2 +161.1 (15.5 × 10.4 m)
Do not forget, on a floor plan created by the architect for the family in America. In many cases, these plans do not meet the needs of households in Indonesia in general. Family in Indonesia, usually require additional room maid. In addition, dirty kitchen, as they often cook. And washing drying, especially if you do not use washing machine once the dryer. Therefore, the floor plan above is used as reference only. The rest, adjust the layout of the room according to your family habits. In addition, when making a facade or look of your home certainly can make their own choices, whether minimalist, ethnic or Mediterranean. But importantly, adjust to the tropical climate.
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