Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver disease due to hepatitis A virus infection (VHA) is an RNA virus of the family picornaviruses (enteroviruses), measuring 27-32 nm not beramplop.Hepatitis A is caused by a virus that is spread by feces / stool, the person usually through food (fecal - oral), not through sexual activity or through blood. Hepatitis A is lighter than most other types of hepatitis (B and C). While hepatitis B and C is spread through the media of blood and sexual activity and more dangerous than Hepatitis A.Hepatitis A is not a new disease, already existed before the time of Hippocrates. At first all hepatitis called jaundice (jaundice) and hepatitis has not been divided into groups A, B and so on as it is known today. Tahun1912 called''On''by Cockkayne infectious hepatitis and in 1947 Fred Mc Callum first introduced the term hepatitis A and B. With the development of technology with the immune electron microscopic, the viruses hepatitis A is found clearly in 1973 (Feinstone et al, 1973). Since then begin to develop research on hepatitis, including the manufacture of vaccines. The term hepatitis A, B and so on has been standardized by the WHO and until now scientists have found 7 types of viral hepatitis A, B, C, D, E, G and TT.
CLINICAL SYMPTOMSOften there are no minor children; sudden fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), dark colored urine, pale stools. Hepatitis A can be divided into 3 stages: (1) introduction (prodromal) with symptoms of fatigue, lethargy, fever, loss of appetite and nausea, (2) stage with symptoms of yellow (jaundice stage), and (3) stages of healing (konvalesensi) . Yellow symptoms are not always found. To ensure diagnostic examination of liver enzymes, ALT, AST. Because the hepatitis A can also be an inflammation of the bile ducts, then checks gamma-GT and alkaline phosphatase can be done in addition to bilirubin levels.
1). Yellow Eyes
In infants and small children, there is usually no obvious symptoms in adults but there were initial complaints such as no appetite, nausea, vomiting, headache, body weakness, joint and muscle pain, and allows the right upper abdominal pain due to enlargement of the liver. These symptoms can occur in the first 1-2 weeks before the typical symptoms of hepatitis that is changing the color of urine (such as the water became dark tea) and faeces as soil or putty color. Also the color on the eyes and skin become yellow flashy and itchy skin
2). Hearts are broken.
Same with the symptoms of hepatitis are generally accompanied by heat loss, + 39 ° C. These diseases usually heal itself, the color yellow / jaundice will disappear and the color of the stool will be normal preformance 4 weeks after clinical symptoms appear.
3). Stomach menbesar / ascites
HEPATITIS A STADIUMMost VHA infections in children are asymptomatic, meaning that does not cause symptoms and will heal itself. If infected and become sick then there are three times VHA infection symptoms are:1). Incubation period.That is the period between the entry of the virus until symptoms appear early in the form of urine becomes dark yellow. The incubation period lasts 2-7 weeks, at 4 weeks of hepatitis A virus can be detected in the stool at the end of the incubation period. Time of exposure to illness from approximately 2 to 6 weeks. symptoms you will experience symptoms such as fever, weakness, fatigue, and lethargy, in some cases, vomiting vomiting that often occur continuously thus causing the whole body feels weak. A fever is a fever that occurs continuously, unlike other fever is on dengue fever, tuberculosis, thypus, etc..2). The period of symptomatic or the onset of symptoms:(A) The prodromal phase.This phase occurs a few days with complaints arise, such as flu, nausea, vomiting and discomfort in the upper right abdomen, sometimes diare.Leukosit menurunTransaminase serum slightly increased 10-100 times the normal price before arising jaundice (AST: L = 10-34 u / l W = 10-31 u / l) (ALT: L = 9-43 u / l W = 9-36 u / l) End of period prodormal: bilirubiuria arise that precede jaundice(B) The acute phase.After subsequent prodromal phase is the acute phase.Symptoms vary from very mild called silent an icteric, sub-clinical symptoms that can only be detected by he found abnormal liver function tests, until the symptoms of severe hepatitis and fulminant hepatitis is liver failure. Classic sign of hepatitis, is a change in color of urine becomes dark like the color of strong tea, eyes and skin turn yellow, pale stools, often followed by itching - itching on the body. Nausea and vomiting are typical symptoms of hepatitis children. Colored feces will return in 2-3 weeks.3) The period of healing.Healing begins with the disappearance of symptoms and general clinical and laboratory recovery takes about 6 months.
How Transmission• Often through food (salads, fruits, other raw foods) or water mixed with the feces of the sick• Through the seafood contaminated with dirt, mussel, oysters, clams and kupang raw or half cooked or also through relationships with people affected inntim• Often occurs in areas with levels of cleanliness and healthy living habits are low.
COMPLICATIONSAlthough relatively rare, VHA infection may cause some complications, among others:a. Hepatitis A relapse (recurrence).In 3-20% of cases VHA infection with jaundice (yellow) can occur relapse or recurrence within 2-12 weeks after initial improvement of liver function tests.b. Prolonged cholestatis.This complication is relatively rare and occurs in bile duct obstruction. Symptoms other than hot, also itching - itching, diarrhea with weight loss. Elevated bilirubin levels above 170 umol / L. Prognosis is usually good.c. Hepatitis fuminan.VHA is a severe complication with the incidence of 0.1 to 0.4% with symptoms of disturbance of consciousness, bleeding, severe liver dysfunction can be to death.d. Autoimmune hepatitis.This complication is an atypical form of infection VHA and proven as the trigger of type 1 autoimmune hepatitis khronik.
PREVENTIONPrevention can be done properly if we know the ways of transmission of hepatitis diseases. Hepatitis A is transmitted through contaminated food and beverages feces of hepatitis A. Snack habits food and beverage at any place increases the risk of contracting hepatitis A. Raw or undercooked foods potentially contaminated with this virus.Maintain personal hygiene such as washing hands thoroughly; people close to the patient may require immunoglobulin therapy. Immunization with hepatitis A can be done in the form itself (Havrix) or form a combination with hepatitis B vaccine (Twinrix). Immunization of hepatitis A occur twice, namely primary and booster vaccinations are carried out 6-12 months later, while hepatitis B immunization performed three times, namely basic, one-month and 6 months later. Hepatitis A immunization is recommended for people potentially infected as boarders and those who frequent snacks outside.
Some means of prevention against hepatitis A:1. ImmunizationImmunizations are very effective in preventing infection of a disease. After immunization of the body will produce antibodies which are immune substances against the disease. Hepatitis A immunization given to children aged between 2 to 18 years once. Adults require re-immunization (booster) after 6 to 12 months of first immunization. Acquired immunity from immunization is able to survive for 15 to 20 years. But someone who has been immunized may be exposed to hepatitis A if he is infected with VBA between 2 to 4 weeks after immunization, because at that time the body not produce antibodies in sufficient quantities.Those who should get this immunization is:• Workers are ordinary restaurant or food handling• Teens who live in the dormitory students who had close contact with his friends.• Workers and the kids at daycare.• People suffering from chronic liver disease• Laboratory Workers2. Temporary immunityThose who frequently travel to other areas should receive temporary immunity to prevent infection, especially if local VHA goal is to hepatitis A endemic areas or areas of poor sanitation. Temporary immunity may be obtained by administration of immunoglobulin (Ig). Ig for the prevention of hepatitis A hepatitis A, which contains the antivirus is very effective after 2 weeks of delivery. For those who must live in endemic regions, Ig anti VHA should be repeated every 3 to 5 months.3. Maintain cleanlinessWashing hands with soap after each bowel movements and little is highly recommended to prevent transmission of VHA. The same should also be carried on just before eating, processing and preparing food. Supervise and provide pngertian in children for not inserting objects into his mouth.
THINGS THAT NEED ATTENTIONSomeone who is a 'carrier' hepatitis will have a high risk to develop into liver cancer. Therefore, there are several things to note:1. Medical check-up every six months each year (to determine the work function of the liver)2. Always wash hands with soap after contact with blood or body fluids3. Ensure that household members and the people closest to you to do blood tests and is not infected and has conducted immunization4. Tell your doctor / dentist if you are a carrier and say whatever medication you are taking at this time (if any). This is to avoid the possibility of giving a drug that doctors can be dangerous for your heart5. See your doctor if you experience symptoms: a time you always feel tired, body weight continued to decline, sensing a change in habit or experience pain in the upper right abdomen6. If the carrier is pregnant, do hepatitis B inspection regularly during pregnancy. Your doctor will design for your baby's birth was not affected by giving hepatitis B immunoglobulin (HBIG) or to provide vaccinations at the time of 12 hours before birth.
What must be avoided1. Avoid smoking and consuming alcoholic beverages2. Do not form the blood donors, organs or sperm3. Do not share food that you eat and do not chew food for babies
CONCLUSION• Hepatitis A is an inflammation of the liver disease due to hepatitis A virus infection (VHA) is an RNA virus of the family picornaviruses (enteroviruses), measuring 27-32 nm did not envelope.• Clinical symptoms;sudden fever, loss of appetite, nausea, vomiting, jaundice (yellow skin and eyes), dark colored urine, pale stools.• There are three stages of hepatitis A that isThe incubation period, symptomatic period or the onset of symptoms, period of healing.• TransmissionOften through food (salads, fruits, other raw foods) or water mixed with the feces of the sick, often occurs in areas with levels of cleanliness and healthy living habits are low.• complications include: Hepatitis A relapse (recurrence), Prolonged cholestatis, fuminan hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis• Some means of prevention against hepatitis A: Immunization, temporary immunity, Maintain cleanliness
Health Definitions Health is a state of physical, mental and social well-being is completely and not just a not a contagious disease or infirmity (WHO). Factors affecting the health of large: 10% of social conditions, 8% medical conditions, 7% climatic conditions, 15% heredity, 60% lifestyle. Health requires a balanced diet, enough sleep, exercise moderation, and a healthy soul.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Herpes is a skin inflammation characterized by the formation of bubbles in groups. These bubbles contain water at the base of inflammation. Herpes is a disease is really just a temporary interruption (temporary) and can generally be prevented by everyone. According kinds, herpes disease is divided into two, namely herpes zoster and herpes simplex.If you observed closely, a lot of people who often complain of pain in the nerves of his skin. Sometimes, these complaints occurred in the chest, back, eyes, forehead or certain parts of our body. Typical symptoms, ie small bubbles arise, usually in a specific area, only on one side, and includes the local certain persyarafan. These bubbles feel pain and can break so easily arise by bacterial infection.From the description or illustration of the above diseases, it was called as penyakita herpes. Herpes Disease is actually just a temporary interruption of disease that are (temporarily) and can generally be prevented by everyone. Herpes virus that is composed of 2 types of Herpes Simplex and Herpes simplex type 2 (genital herpes) Disease Herpes Simplex Virus is Herpes hominis (HVH). There are two types of HVH, HVH type 1 that causes herpes labialis and keratitis, and HVH type 2 causes genital disease called genital herpes. In the Herpes labialis, there is a bubble of water around the lips which causes a burning sensation and itching. For Herpes keratitis, viral infection of the cornea that can cause injury.
Symptoms: The symptoms are usually very mild and may include itching or burning, pain in the legs, buttocks or genital area; or whitish. Blisters or painful open sores may also occur, usually in the genital area, buttocks, anus and thighs, although it can also occur in other parts of the body. These wounds will heal in a few weeks but can come back.
Possible Consequences for the Fetus and Newborn: Women who experienced a first episode of genital herpes during pregnancy will have a higher risk for premature delivery. Genesis acute during childbirth is an indication for delivery by caesarean section does cause an infection of the newborn will be able to cause death or serious brain damage.
Prevention: Abstaining from vaginal sex, anal and oral sex with an infected person is the only means of prevention is 100% effective in preventing transmission of genital herpes virus through sex. Condoms can reduce risk but can not completely eliminate the risk of contracting the disease through sex. Although using condoms during sexual intercourse, it is still possible to contract this disease, via sores in the genital area.
herpes genetalia (male)
herpes genetalia (female)
herpes simpleks
herpes zoster
Symptoms: The symptoms are usually very mild and may include itching or burning, pain in the legs, buttocks or genital area; or whitish. Blisters or painful open sores may also occur, usually in the genital area, buttocks, anus and thighs, although it can also occur in other parts of the body. These wounds will heal in a few weeks but can come back.
Possible Consequences for the Fetus and Newborn: Women who experienced a first episode of genital herpes during pregnancy will have a higher risk for premature delivery. Genesis acute during childbirth is an indication for delivery by caesarean section does cause an infection of the newborn will be able to cause death or serious brain damage.
Prevention: Abstaining from vaginal sex, anal and oral sex with an infected person is the only means of prevention is 100% effective in preventing transmission of genital herpes virus through sex. Condoms can reduce risk but can not completely eliminate the risk of contracting the disease through sex. Although using condoms during sexual intercourse, it is still possible to contract this disease, via sores in the genital area.
herpes genetalia (male)
herpes genetalia (female)
herpes simpleks
herpes zoster
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Basic human needs is one important aspect to consider nurses. Inequality that occurred in one or more of these needs will lead to an imbalance (disturbance of homeostasis) in the individual self. If the condition persists, homestasis impaired individuals, can become ill and eventually require hospitalization. State of illness and hospitalization process itself and also to increase the inequality of individual fulfillment that was treated.
Understanding Basic Human Needs.
Basic human needs are the elements required by humans in maintaining physiological and psychological equilibrium, which must aim to preserve life and health. Feature Basic Human Needs Human beings have basic needs that are heterogeneous. Everyone basically has the same needs, but because of culture, the need for different tersebutpun participate. To meet the human needs to adjust to the existing priorities. Then if it fails to meet its needs, people will think harder and bergera to try to get it. Factors that Influence the Basic Human Needs
Basic human needs are influenced by various factors:
1. Disease. The presence of disease in the body can cause changes in the fulfillment of needs, both physiologically and psychologically, because some organ function requires the fulfillment of greater than usual.
2. Family Relations. Good family relations could improve basic needs because of mutual trust, to feel the pleasures of life, tidakadarasacuriga, and others.
3. Self Concept. The concept of human self has a role in the fulfillment of basic needs. Positive self-concept gives meaning and integrity (wholeness) to someone. The concept of a healthy self-generate positive feelings toward themselves. People who feel positive about themselves would be easy to change, easy to identify needs and develop a healthy way of life, so easy to make ends meet.
4. Development Phase. In line with the increasing age of humans have evolved. Each stage of development have different needs, both biological needs, psychological, social or spiritual, considering the various functions of body organs undergo a process of maturation with activity berbedauntuk every stage of development.
Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs Characteristics
1. Every human being has the same Basic Human Needs, in which each requirement is modified by cultur.
2. Someone needs according to priority.
3. Although the general requirements must be fulfilled, some needs can be postponed.
4. Failure to meet the needs of homeostatic imbalance --> produce pain.
Some Basic Human Needs Model
Virginia Henderson (1955)
The components of the underlying model of Virginia Henderson nursing:
• The Activities Of Living
Beliefs and values:
1. The focus of nursing is a client that has the attachment to life by an individual during the life cycle of moving from dependence towards independence in accordance with the age, condition and environment.
2. The nurse is the main helper in the development of individuals carrying out important activities.
3. It should be noted for providing care are:
a. Humans have evolved from conception to death through a process of growth and development.
b. Individuals in carrying out their daily activities from dependence to independence.
c. Individuals can carry out activities of daily living can be found condition:
- Not to carry out the activity.
- Inhibited activity.
- Unable to perform the activity again.
• 14 basic human needs:
1. Normal breathing
2. Eating & drinking adequately
3. Normal elimination
4. Moving & maintain posture
5. Sleep & rest
6. Choosing clothes that fit, open & wearing apparel
7. Maintaining body temperature within normal limits with dress and modifying clothing.
8. Maintain cleanliness of body and dress up and protect the integument.
9. Avoid environmental hazards and prevent accidents.
10. Communicate with others to express emotions, needs, fears and opinions.
11. Worship / prayer.
12. Play / participate in various forms of recreation.
13. Work.
14. Learning, satisfying curiosity for the development and health and use health facilities that are available.
• Theory Virginia H. With the main concept:
1. Human
Henderson considers the components of physiological, psychological, spiritual and sociological.
- Person must maintain physiological and emotional balance.
- The mind and body are not separate.
- Patients and families are the units.
- The need of patients was 14 components.
2. Nursing
- Nursing has a unique function to assist both healthy and sick individuals.
- The function of the nurse as a member of the medical team.
- The nurse must be knowledgeable either biological or social sciences.
- The nurse examines basic human needs are given askep .
3. Health
- Healthy is the quality of life.
- Healthy is the basis for people to work.
- Health requires independence and interdependence.
- Peningkatn health is more important than caring for the sick.
- Individuals will achieve or maintain good health if it has the strength and knowledge.
4. Environmental
- Individuals who are healthy are able to control their environment, but the sickness will interfere with this ability.
- Nurses must protect patients from injury.
- The nurse must have the education about environmental safety.
- The doctor uses the results of observation and assessment as a basis for nurse prescribing.
- The nurse should provide input on the purchase of construction equipment and maintenance.
Abraham Maslow
According to Abraham Maslow humans have five needs that make up the tiers or also called the hierarchy of the most important to the unimportant and from easy to difficult to achieve or obtain. Human motivation is strongly influenced by the fundamental needs that need to be met.
Maslow Needs must meet the needs of the most important first and then increased to a less important. To be able to feel the pleasure of a first level of needs should be satisfied that the needs are at the lower level.
Five (5) Maslow's basic needs - have been prepared based on the most important requirement to a less crucial:
1. Physiological Needs
Examples are: Clothing / apparel, food / food, shelter / home, and biological needs such as defecation, urination, breathing, and so forth.
2. Safety and Security Needs
Examples such as: Free from occupation, free from the threat, free from pain, free from terror, and so forth.
3. Social Needs
Example is: having friends, having a family, need love from the opposite sex, and others.
4. Award Requirements
Examples: praise, certificates, decorations, gifts, and many others.
5. Self-actualization Needs
Is the need and desire to act as they pleased according to their talents and interests.
The concept of Basic Human Needs Based Growth
Sigmund Freud Theory
Psychological theory of the most widely referenced in psychology approach or the most dominant in the analysis of literary works is the theory of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud (Ratna, 2004:62 and 344). According to Freud (2002:3), psychoanalysis is a method of medical treatment for people suffering from neurological disorders. Psychoanalysis is a type of therapy aims to treat someone who has mental and neurological deviations.
In theory he uses psychoanalysis, personality is seen as a structure consisting of three elements and systems, ie, Id (Das Es), Ego (Das Ich), and the superego (Uber Das Ich) (Koeswara, 1991:32; Poduska, 2000: 78). The three personality system is interconnected with one another and form a totality and human behavior is nothing but a product of interaction of the three. Id is a biological component, the ego is a psychological component, while the superego is the social component (Corey, 2003:14). Here we will elaborate further on the three systems of personality according to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory.
Id is the original system of personality or personality of the most basic systems, systems in which there is innate instincts (Koeswara, 1991:32). As according to Palmquist (2005:105), id is the unconscious psychic who attempted to meet basic instinctive impulse. Furthermore according to Corey (2003:14), id is the dwelling place of instincts. My less organized, blind, demanding, urgent, and are not conscious. My only arise by pleasure without realizing it by values, ethics, and morals. By operating on the pleasure principle, the id is the source of all psychic energy, ie, libido, and sexual in nature.
Id is the biological aspect and is the original system in this aspect of personality and of two other aspects of growth. My only desires hunt alone without judging it good or bad. He is part of the primitive unconscious in the mind, which was born along with the individual (Berry, 2001:75).
My work in line with the principles of pleasure, which can be understood as an encouragement to always comply with the requirements immediately. The function id is the only one to seek immediate tersalurnya clusters of energy or tension that had been poured in her body by stimuli, both from within and from outside. He was in charge of translating the needs of one organism into motivational forces, which in other words is called by instinct or passion. Freud also referred to the need. Translation of these desires need to be called the primary process (Boeree, 2005:38).
Ego different from the Id. Ego is a personality system that acts as a referral of individuals to objects of reality, and perform its functions on the principle of reality (Koeswara 1991:33-34). As according to Ahmadi (1992:152), the ego appears as thought and consideration. Ego acts as opposed to the Id. Ego arises because of the needs of the organism require transactions in accordance with world kenyataan.Ego have contact with the external world of reality. The ego is the executive of the personality who govern, control, and regulate (Corey, 2003:14). The ego is the consciousness from which he came, though not all functions can be carried out with a conscious (Berry, 2001:76).
Ego is the psychological aspect that arises because the organism needs to relate well with the world of reality. Ego can distinguish something that exists only in the inner world and the things that exist in the outside world. The primary role of the ego is to become a bridge between instinctual needs with environmental circumstances, in the interest of the organism.
According Bertens (2002:71) the task of the ego is to maintain its own personality and warrant an adjustment to the environment. Ego also controls what is going in awareness and what to do. Ego connects the organisms with the reality of the world through conscious that he occupied, and he was looking for objects to satisfy the wishes and desires are generated id to represent what is needed organism. Settlement process is called the secondary process (Boeree, 2005:39).
Superego is a personality system that contains the values and rules that are evaluative (Koeswara, 1991:34-35). He acted as a director or a judge of the ego. According Kartono (1996:129), the superego is the highest substance on human beings, which provides guidance lines ethis and norms that must be followed. Superego is more of a perfection rather than pleasure, because it can be regarded as the moral aspect of personality. The superego by Palmquist (2004:103), is part of the human soul is generated in response to the influence of parents, teachers and other authority figures in childhood. This warehouse psiki for all views of right and wrong.
Superego is the moral or legal branch of the personality. Superego represents this ideal, and encouraged him not to the pleasure, but to perfection. Superego-related rewards and punishments. Rewards, rewards are feelings of pride and self love, while the penalty-punishment is guilty feelings and low self-esteem (Corey, 2003:15). Furthermore, according to Hall and Gardner (1993:67-68) The primary function of superego, among others:
(1) as the controlling impulses or impulses instinct for id impulses are channeled in a manner or form acceptable to the community.
(2) direct the ego on the objectives in accordance with the moral rather than with reality.
(3) encourage individuals to perfection.
Superego always forcing the ego to suppress different desires into the subconscious. Superego, along with the id, are the wild subconscious.
So superego tend to oppose, both ego and id, and make the world according to the conception of the ideal. All three of these aspects has its own characteristics although in practice, but all three are always interact dynamically.
Components of this paradigm is the first nursing as one of the focus of nursing care. Humans act as a client which is the biopsychosocial and spiritual beings who happen is the unity of physical and spiritual aspects which have unique properties with different needs according to their developmental level. Thus, in fulfilling their basic needs are often influenced by various aspects of good environmental, health.
Understanding Basic Human Needs.
Basic human needs are the elements required by humans in maintaining physiological and psychological equilibrium, which must aim to preserve life and health. Feature Basic Human Needs Human beings have basic needs that are heterogeneous. Everyone basically has the same needs, but because of culture, the need for different tersebutpun participate. To meet the human needs to adjust to the existing priorities. Then if it fails to meet its needs, people will think harder and bergera to try to get it. Factors that Influence the Basic Human Needs
Basic human needs are influenced by various factors:
1. Disease. The presence of disease in the body can cause changes in the fulfillment of needs, both physiologically and psychologically, because some organ function requires the fulfillment of greater than usual.
2. Family Relations. Good family relations could improve basic needs because of mutual trust, to feel the pleasures of life, tidakadarasacuriga, and others.
3. Self Concept. The concept of human self has a role in the fulfillment of basic needs. Positive self-concept gives meaning and integrity (wholeness) to someone. The concept of a healthy self-generate positive feelings toward themselves. People who feel positive about themselves would be easy to change, easy to identify needs and develop a healthy way of life, so easy to make ends meet.
4. Development Phase. In line with the increasing age of humans have evolved. Each stage of development have different needs, both biological needs, psychological, social or spiritual, considering the various functions of body organs undergo a process of maturation with activity berbedauntuk every stage of development.
Fulfillment of Basic Human Needs Characteristics
1. Every human being has the same Basic Human Needs, in which each requirement is modified by cultur.
2. Someone needs according to priority.
3. Although the general requirements must be fulfilled, some needs can be postponed.
4. Failure to meet the needs of homeostatic imbalance --> produce pain.
Some Basic Human Needs Model
Virginia Henderson (1955)
The components of the underlying model of Virginia Henderson nursing:
• The Activities Of Living
Beliefs and values:
1. The focus of nursing is a client that has the attachment to life by an individual during the life cycle of moving from dependence towards independence in accordance with the age, condition and environment.
2. The nurse is the main helper in the development of individuals carrying out important activities.
3. It should be noted for providing care are:
a. Humans have evolved from conception to death through a process of growth and development.
b. Individuals in carrying out their daily activities from dependence to independence.
c. Individuals can carry out activities of daily living can be found condition:
- Not to carry out the activity.
- Inhibited activity.
- Unable to perform the activity again.
• 14 basic human needs:
1. Normal breathing
2. Eating & drinking adequately
3. Normal elimination
4. Moving & maintain posture
5. Sleep & rest
6. Choosing clothes that fit, open & wearing apparel
7. Maintaining body temperature within normal limits with dress and modifying clothing.
8. Maintain cleanliness of body and dress up and protect the integument.
9. Avoid environmental hazards and prevent accidents.
10. Communicate with others to express emotions, needs, fears and opinions.
11. Worship / prayer.
12. Play / participate in various forms of recreation.
13. Work.
14. Learning, satisfying curiosity for the development and health and use health facilities that are available.
• Theory Virginia H. With the main concept:
1. Human
Henderson considers the components of physiological, psychological, spiritual and sociological.
- Person must maintain physiological and emotional balance.
- The mind and body are not separate.
- Patients and families are the units.
- The need of patients was 14 components.
2. Nursing
- Nursing has a unique function to assist both healthy and sick individuals.
- The function of the nurse as a member of the medical team.
- The nurse must be knowledgeable either biological or social sciences.
- The nurse examines basic human needs are given askep .
3. Health
- Healthy is the quality of life.
- Healthy is the basis for people to work.
- Health requires independence and interdependence.
- Peningkatn health is more important than caring for the sick.
- Individuals will achieve or maintain good health if it has the strength and knowledge.
4. Environmental
- Individuals who are healthy are able to control their environment, but the sickness will interfere with this ability.
- Nurses must protect patients from injury.
- The nurse must have the education about environmental safety.
- The doctor uses the results of observation and assessment as a basis for nurse prescribing.
- The nurse should provide input on the purchase of construction equipment and maintenance.
Abraham Maslow
According to Abraham Maslow humans have five needs that make up the tiers or also called the hierarchy of the most important to the unimportant and from easy to difficult to achieve or obtain. Human motivation is strongly influenced by the fundamental needs that need to be met.
Maslow Needs must meet the needs of the most important first and then increased to a less important. To be able to feel the pleasure of a first level of needs should be satisfied that the needs are at the lower level.
Five (5) Maslow's basic needs - have been prepared based on the most important requirement to a less crucial:
1. Physiological Needs
Examples are: Clothing / apparel, food / food, shelter / home, and biological needs such as defecation, urination, breathing, and so forth.
2. Safety and Security Needs
Examples such as: Free from occupation, free from the threat, free from pain, free from terror, and so forth.
3. Social Needs
Example is: having friends, having a family, need love from the opposite sex, and others.
4. Award Requirements
Examples: praise, certificates, decorations, gifts, and many others.
5. Self-actualization Needs
Is the need and desire to act as they pleased according to their talents and interests.
The concept of Basic Human Needs Based Growth
Sigmund Freud Theory
Psychological theory of the most widely referenced in psychology approach or the most dominant in the analysis of literary works is the theory of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud (Ratna, 2004:62 and 344). According to Freud (2002:3), psychoanalysis is a method of medical treatment for people suffering from neurological disorders. Psychoanalysis is a type of therapy aims to treat someone who has mental and neurological deviations.
In theory he uses psychoanalysis, personality is seen as a structure consisting of three elements and systems, ie, Id (Das Es), Ego (Das Ich), and the superego (Uber Das Ich) (Koeswara, 1991:32; Poduska, 2000: 78). The three personality system is interconnected with one another and form a totality and human behavior is nothing but a product of interaction of the three. Id is a biological component, the ego is a psychological component, while the superego is the social component (Corey, 2003:14). Here we will elaborate further on the three systems of personality according to Sigmund Freud's psychoanalytic theory.
Id is the original system of personality or personality of the most basic systems, systems in which there is innate instincts (Koeswara, 1991:32). As according to Palmquist (2005:105), id is the unconscious psychic who attempted to meet basic instinctive impulse. Furthermore according to Corey (2003:14), id is the dwelling place of instincts. My less organized, blind, demanding, urgent, and are not conscious. My only arise by pleasure without realizing it by values, ethics, and morals. By operating on the pleasure principle, the id is the source of all psychic energy, ie, libido, and sexual in nature.
Id is the biological aspect and is the original system in this aspect of personality and of two other aspects of growth. My only desires hunt alone without judging it good or bad. He is part of the primitive unconscious in the mind, which was born along with the individual (Berry, 2001:75).
My work in line with the principles of pleasure, which can be understood as an encouragement to always comply with the requirements immediately. The function id is the only one to seek immediate tersalurnya clusters of energy or tension that had been poured in her body by stimuli, both from within and from outside. He was in charge of translating the needs of one organism into motivational forces, which in other words is called by instinct or passion. Freud also referred to the need. Translation of these desires need to be called the primary process (Boeree, 2005:38).
Ego different from the Id. Ego is a personality system that acts as a referral of individuals to objects of reality, and perform its functions on the principle of reality (Koeswara 1991:33-34). As according to Ahmadi (1992:152), the ego appears as thought and consideration. Ego acts as opposed to the Id. Ego arises because of the needs of the organism require transactions in accordance with world kenyataan.Ego have contact with the external world of reality. The ego is the executive of the personality who govern, control, and regulate (Corey, 2003:14). The ego is the consciousness from which he came, though not all functions can be carried out with a conscious (Berry, 2001:76).
Ego is the psychological aspect that arises because the organism needs to relate well with the world of reality. Ego can distinguish something that exists only in the inner world and the things that exist in the outside world. The primary role of the ego is to become a bridge between instinctual needs with environmental circumstances, in the interest of the organism.
According Bertens (2002:71) the task of the ego is to maintain its own personality and warrant an adjustment to the environment. Ego also controls what is going in awareness and what to do. Ego connects the organisms with the reality of the world through conscious that he occupied, and he was looking for objects to satisfy the wishes and desires are generated id to represent what is needed organism. Settlement process is called the secondary process (Boeree, 2005:39).
Superego is a personality system that contains the values and rules that are evaluative (Koeswara, 1991:34-35). He acted as a director or a judge of the ego. According Kartono (1996:129), the superego is the highest substance on human beings, which provides guidance lines ethis and norms that must be followed. Superego is more of a perfection rather than pleasure, because it can be regarded as the moral aspect of personality. The superego by Palmquist (2004:103), is part of the human soul is generated in response to the influence of parents, teachers and other authority figures in childhood. This warehouse psiki for all views of right and wrong.
Superego is the moral or legal branch of the personality. Superego represents this ideal, and encouraged him not to the pleasure, but to perfection. Superego-related rewards and punishments. Rewards, rewards are feelings of pride and self love, while the penalty-punishment is guilty feelings and low self-esteem (Corey, 2003:15). Furthermore, according to Hall and Gardner (1993:67-68) The primary function of superego, among others:
(1) as the controlling impulses or impulses instinct for id impulses are channeled in a manner or form acceptable to the community.
(2) direct the ego on the objectives in accordance with the moral rather than with reality.
(3) encourage individuals to perfection.
Superego always forcing the ego to suppress different desires into the subconscious. Superego, along with the id, are the wild subconscious.
So superego tend to oppose, both ego and id, and make the world according to the conception of the ideal. All three of these aspects has its own characteristics although in practice, but all three are always interact dynamically.
Components of this paradigm is the first nursing as one of the focus of nursing care. Humans act as a client which is the biopsychosocial and spiritual beings who happen is the unity of physical and spiritual aspects which have unique properties with different needs according to their developmental level. Thus, in fulfilling their basic needs are often influenced by various aspects of good environmental, health.
Healthy Home
Healthy home is a dream house.
House is one of basic human needs, in addition to clothing, food and health. Therefore it must be healthy and comfortable home for residents to work to improve productivity.
Construction and home environments that do not meet health requirements is a risk factor of transmission source different types of diseases, particularly disease-based environment.
In general, healthy homes can be said if it meets the following criteria:
1. Meet the physiological needs such as lighting, penghawan and enough room to maneuver, to avoid disturbing noise.
2. Meet the psychological needs such as privacy are adequate, healthy communication between family members and residents.
3. Meet the requirements of preventing the spread of disease among residents of the house with the provision of clean water, management of excreta and household waste, free of disease vectors and rodents, residential density is not excessive, adequate sunlight in the morning, protecting them from contamination of food and beverages, as well as adequate lighting and penghawaan .
4. Meet the requirement of prevention of accidents, whether they arise because of circumstances outside or inside the house, among others, the position of boundary line roads, construction of which is not easily collapsed, non-flammable and does not tend to make the occupants fell slipped.
Residential Health Requirements are as follows:
1. Building Materials
a. Not made of materials that can release substances that can endanger the health, among others, as follows:
· Dust total of not more than 150 ug m3
Asbestos-free · not exceeding 0.5 fiber/m3/4jam
· Black tin not exceeding 300 mg / kg
b. Not made of materials that can be growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms.
2. Components and arrangement of space house
Components of the house must meet the physical and biological requirements as follows:
a. Floor waterproof and easily cleaned
b. Wall
• In the bedroom, living room equipped with means of ventilation for air circulation arrangements
• In the bathroom and washing facilities must be waterproof and easily cleaned
c. The ceiling should be easy to clean and not prone to accidents
d. House with a roof height of 10 meters or more must be equipped with lightning protection
e. Room in the house should be arranged to function as a living room, family room, dining room, bedroom, living room kitchen, shower room and kids playroom.
f. The kitchen must be equipped with smoke disposal facilities.
3. Exposure
Natural or artificial lighting directly or indirectly, to illuminate all parts of the room a minimum of 60 lux intensity and no blinding.
4. Air Quality
Air quality inside the home does not exceed the following requirements:
a. Comfortable air temperature ranges from l8 ° C to 30 ° C
b. Air humidity ranges from 40% to 70%
c. SO2 gas concentration does not exceed 0.10 hours ppm/24
d. Air exchange
e. CO gas concentration does not exceed 100 ppm/8jam
f. Formaldehide gas concentrations not exceeding 120 mg/m3
5. Ventilation
Area a1amiah penghawaan or permanent ventilation of at least 10% of floor area.
6. Transmitting animal diseases
No rats nest in the house.
7. Water
a. Available water capacity minmal 60 lt / day / person
b. Water quality must meet health requirements for clean water and drinking water in accordance with laws and regulations.
8. Tersediannya means of safe food storage and hygiene.
9. Waste
a. The liquid waste from the house, do not pollute water sources, not smelly and does not pollute the soil surface.
b. Solid waste must be managed so as not to cause the smell, do not cause pollution of surface soil and groundwater.
10. Bedroom dwelling density
Spacious bedroom at least 8m2 and is not recommended to use more than two people sleep in one bedroom, except for children under 5 years.
The problem of housing has been regulated in the Act administration of housing and residential No.4/l992 chapter III, article 5, paragraph l, which reads "Every citizen has the right to occupy and / or enjoy and / or have a decent home and a healthy environment, safe, harmonious, and orderly "
When examined further it is only logical whole society occupied the house a healthy and habitable. Houses are not enough to simply as a place to live and shelter from the hot weather and rain, the house must have a function as:
1. Preventing disease
2. Preventing accidents
3. Safe and comfortable for residents
4. Decrease in tensions and social life
Maybe some house plans below can help.
Houses 1 floor has several advantages. The cost is certainly cheaper than building 2 floors, because the cost of construction of the structure of the house a little more. In addition, the mobility of family members who are in one floor, will create intimacy. For parents, 1 floor home is the right choice, to avoid the difficulty up and down stairs.
And therefore the size of the map using the size of feet (foot). Just to help, I have to say the information length, and the area of the size of the meter. While the size of the space is still using the original size feet. If you want to convert it into the size of the meter, you can simply multiplying it by a factor of 0.3084. For example, 30 feets, = 30 × 0.30.84 = 9.14 m.
Here are some plans that I chose for you,
House Floor Area 113.7 m 2 (11 × 10m)
House Floor Area 130 m2 (15.2 × 8.5 m)
House Floor Area 140.5 m2 (16.5 × 8.5 m)
House Floor Area m2 +140.5 (16.5 × 8.5 m)
House Floor Area m2 +154.8 (15.1 × 10.2 m)
House Floor Area m2 +159.3 (14.9 × 10.7 m)
House Floor Area m2 +161.1 (15.5 × 10.4 m)
Do not forget, on a floor plan created by the architect for the family in America. In many cases, these plans do not meet the needs of households in Indonesia in general. Family in Indonesia, usually require additional room maid. In addition, dirty kitchen, as they often cook. And washing drying, especially if you do not use washing machine once the dryer. Therefore, the floor plan above is used as reference only. The rest, adjust the layout of the room according to your family habits. In addition, when making a facade or look of your home certainly can make their own choices, whether minimalist, ethnic or Mediterranean. But importantly, adjust to the tropical climate.
House is one of basic human needs, in addition to clothing, food and health. Therefore it must be healthy and comfortable home for residents to work to improve productivity.
Construction and home environments that do not meet health requirements is a risk factor of transmission source different types of diseases, particularly disease-based environment.
In general, healthy homes can be said if it meets the following criteria:
1. Meet the physiological needs such as lighting, penghawan and enough room to maneuver, to avoid disturbing noise.
2. Meet the psychological needs such as privacy are adequate, healthy communication between family members and residents.
3. Meet the requirements of preventing the spread of disease among residents of the house with the provision of clean water, management of excreta and household waste, free of disease vectors and rodents, residential density is not excessive, adequate sunlight in the morning, protecting them from contamination of food and beverages, as well as adequate lighting and penghawaan .
4. Meet the requirement of prevention of accidents, whether they arise because of circumstances outside or inside the house, among others, the position of boundary line roads, construction of which is not easily collapsed, non-flammable and does not tend to make the occupants fell slipped.
Residential Health Requirements are as follows:
1. Building Materials
a. Not made of materials that can release substances that can endanger the health, among others, as follows:
· Dust total of not more than 150 ug m3
Asbestos-free · not exceeding 0.5 fiber/m3/4jam
· Black tin not exceeding 300 mg / kg
b. Not made of materials that can be growth and development of pathogenic microorganisms.
2. Components and arrangement of space house
Components of the house must meet the physical and biological requirements as follows:
a. Floor waterproof and easily cleaned
b. Wall
• In the bedroom, living room equipped with means of ventilation for air circulation arrangements
• In the bathroom and washing facilities must be waterproof and easily cleaned
c. The ceiling should be easy to clean and not prone to accidents
d. House with a roof height of 10 meters or more must be equipped with lightning protection
e. Room in the house should be arranged to function as a living room, family room, dining room, bedroom, living room kitchen, shower room and kids playroom.
f. The kitchen must be equipped with smoke disposal facilities.
3. Exposure
Natural or artificial lighting directly or indirectly, to illuminate all parts of the room a minimum of 60 lux intensity and no blinding.
4. Air Quality
Air quality inside the home does not exceed the following requirements:
a. Comfortable air temperature ranges from l8 ° C to 30 ° C
b. Air humidity ranges from 40% to 70%
c. SO2 gas concentration does not exceed 0.10 hours ppm/24
d. Air exchange
e. CO gas concentration does not exceed 100 ppm/8jam
f. Formaldehide gas concentrations not exceeding 120 mg/m3
5. Ventilation
Area a1amiah penghawaan or permanent ventilation of at least 10% of floor area.
6. Transmitting animal diseases
No rats nest in the house.
7. Water
a. Available water capacity minmal 60 lt / day / person
b. Water quality must meet health requirements for clean water and drinking water in accordance with laws and regulations.
8. Tersediannya means of safe food storage and hygiene.
9. Waste
a. The liquid waste from the house, do not pollute water sources, not smelly and does not pollute the soil surface.
b. Solid waste must be managed so as not to cause the smell, do not cause pollution of surface soil and groundwater.
10. Bedroom dwelling density
Spacious bedroom at least 8m2 and is not recommended to use more than two people sleep in one bedroom, except for children under 5 years.
The problem of housing has been regulated in the Act administration of housing and residential No.4/l992 chapter III, article 5, paragraph l, which reads "Every citizen has the right to occupy and / or enjoy and / or have a decent home and a healthy environment, safe, harmonious, and orderly "
When examined further it is only logical whole society occupied the house a healthy and habitable. Houses are not enough to simply as a place to live and shelter from the hot weather and rain, the house must have a function as:
1. Preventing disease
2. Preventing accidents
3. Safe and comfortable for residents
4. Decrease in tensions and social life
Maybe some house plans below can help.
Houses 1 floor has several advantages. The cost is certainly cheaper than building 2 floors, because the cost of construction of the structure of the house a little more. In addition, the mobility of family members who are in one floor, will create intimacy. For parents, 1 floor home is the right choice, to avoid the difficulty up and down stairs.
And therefore the size of the map using the size of feet (foot). Just to help, I have to say the information length, and the area of the size of the meter. While the size of the space is still using the original size feet. If you want to convert it into the size of the meter, you can simply multiplying it by a factor of 0.3084. For example, 30 feets, = 30 × 0.30.84 = 9.14 m.
Here are some plans that I chose for you,
House Floor Area 113.7 m 2 (11 × 10m)
House Floor Area 130 m2 (15.2 × 8.5 m)
House Floor Area 140.5 m2 (16.5 × 8.5 m)
House Floor Area m2 +140.5 (16.5 × 8.5 m)
House Floor Area m2 +154.8 (15.1 × 10.2 m)
House Floor Area m2 +159.3 (14.9 × 10.7 m)
House Floor Area m2 +161.1 (15.5 × 10.4 m)
Do not forget, on a floor plan created by the architect for the family in America. In many cases, these plans do not meet the needs of households in Indonesia in general. Family in Indonesia, usually require additional room maid. In addition, dirty kitchen, as they often cook. And washing drying, especially if you do not use washing machine once the dryer. Therefore, the floor plan above is used as reference only. The rest, adjust the layout of the room according to your family habits. In addition, when making a facade or look of your home certainly can make their own choices, whether minimalist, ethnic or Mediterranean. But importantly, adjust to the tropical climate.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
According to Pete Cohen, a psychologist and physical trainer, that no man is born with bad habits. These habits learned while growing up. The most accurate way to get rid of bad habits is to replace them with better habits. According to some research, it takes repetition 20-30 times to later become a new habit.
Is that easy? seems easy, but if you lived why is it difficult? because we are living environments that have ratified the bad habits become the norm.
There are a few tips below, on how to appreciate life by living healthily and regularly, namely:
1. Drinking water in sufficient
Why there? human body is not going to give signals of thirst until the body is really short of water or become dehydrated.
Why water? because two-thirds of our body consists of water, the water is an essential element for the body. Every day we lose 1.5 liters of water through the skin, lungs and kidneys (in the form of urine). For that loss should be replaced with sufficient quantities, so the body will be spared from fatigue, headaches, dull skin and bad mood.
2. Breakfast daily
Why there? The reason is often heard is that not enough time for breakfast.
Why breakfast? If breakfast is missed it will affect work productivity. For that 'listen' to your body by doing a regular healthy breakfast every day. Healthy Breakfast is fairly nutritional snacks such as a glass of milk or fruit juice or breakfast ready to eat nutrient-rich and low in fat.
3. A nutritious lunch
Why there? Because of excess carbohydrate normally frequent during lunch, or less consume foods that contain protein sebagau energy sources.
Why should nutritious? Usually, high-calorie snack foods will be the primary choice when hunger strikes, such as chocolate, crisps or biscuits, which contain lots of fat, sugar and salt.
For that choose a nutritious lunch is a wise way to overcome hunger. Wise manner according to Dr. Wendy Doyle, dieticians, by adding lauknya, eat a piece of fruit or a cup of yogurt.
4. Ceramic dinner
Why there? Usually after a tired day of work, it will be lazy when I have to prepare dinner.
Why disiasati? Because usually when not preparing dinner then fast food or take-away food, which must contain high fat and salt. The fix? eat something before you leave the office and fill the freezer with food that is more durable savings for emergencies. If forced to buy food, better to avoid fried foods and think about the food contains nutrients, which most do not, quite.
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